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Top 6 da semana! Top 6 of the week! You go Stacy!

Stacy London tem tuitado várias coisas interessantes. Aqui está o TOP 6:

1- Dicas em Dr. Sholl's For Her by Stacy London (como eu queria que ela fosse a nossa garota propaganda!)

2- Está a procura de um coelho para fazer compania para Baby Al! (cute)

3- Deu apoio a uma boa causa, LiftUp Ellie (clique e veja o tweet dela).

4- Ótimas regras para viver: artigo compartilhado no Twitter - 7 pedaços de sabedoria de Sócrates (muito bom!)

5- Geeking iPhone 4 (me lembra "Queen Geek")

6- Estreará na Broadway : "Love, Loss and What I Wore" (1 de setembro- 3 de outubro)


Stacy London has tweeting many interesting things. Her TOP 6 is here:

1 - Tips on Dr. Shollar's For Her by Stacy London ( I want her on our commercials!)

2 - Looking for a bunny to do company for Baby Al! (Cute)

3 - Gave support to a good cause, LiftUp Ellie (click and see her tweet).

4 - Great rules to live by! - Article shared on Twitter - 7 Pieces of Wisdom from Socrates by Dumb Little Man (very good!)

5- Geeking iPhone 4! (reminds me "Queen Geek")

6 - Debut on Broadway: "Love, Loss and What I Wore" (September 1-October 3)


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