Shreena vem fazendo lindos desenhos da Stacy há um tempo e agora Stacy resolveu homenageá-la colocando um de seus desenhos como sua foto no twitter.
Para ver mais desenhos de Shreena siga ela no twitter @KatyCatDoll, @ArtByShreena ou veja sua galeria de arte no Twitpic.
New picture on Twitter
Everyone has noticed that Stacy has changed her picture for a drawing on twitter, it was designed by one of her fans and the name of the talented designer is Shreena Dew, a 19 years-old Canadian.
Shreena has been drawing beautiful portraits of Stacy for a while and now Stacy has decided to honor Shreena by putting one of her portraits as her picture on twitter.
To see more Shreena's portraits follow her on Twitter @KatyCatDoll, @ArtByShreena or go to her art gallery on Twitpic.